Kod źródłowy modułu poradnia.letters.forms

import logging

from atom.ext.crispy_forms.forms import HelperMixin, SingleButtonMixin
from atom.ext.tinycontent.forms import GIODOMixin
from atom.forms import PartialMixin
from crispy_forms.layout import BaseInput, Submit
from dal import autocomplete
from django import forms
from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.admin.models import ADDITION, CHANGE, LogEntry
from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.forms import ModelForm
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from tinymce.widgets import TinyMCE

from poradnia.cases.models import Case

from .models import Attachment, Letter
from .utils import HTMLFilter

CLIENT_FIELD_TEXT = _("Leave empty to use email field and create a new one user.")

    "The user account will be created automatically, so you have"
    "access to the archive and data about persons responsible for the case."

    "Short description of the case for organizational purposes. "
    "The institution name and two words will suffice."

    "After choosing this option, your message will be sent to the "
    "client and the members of the legal team, who can see this "
    "case (admins and assigned team members). Select this option if your "
    "message is finalized and ready to be sent to the advicer's client."

    "After choosing this option, your message will be saved in the system "
    "as a draft. The admin will check the saved draft and will either suggest "
    "changes, or will send it to the client."

    "After choosing this option, your message will only be sent to the members of "
    "the legal team who can see this case (admins and assigned team members). "
    "Select this option if you want to consult something within the team."

    "This field supports <a href='https://www.markdownguide.org/cheat-sheet'>"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[dokumentacja] class SimpleSubmit(BaseInput): input_type = "submit" field_classes = "btn"
class UserEmailField(forms.EmailField): def validate(self, value): "Check if value consists only of unique user emails." super().validate(value) if get_user_model().objects.filter(email=value).exists(): raise ValidationError( _("E-mail %(email)s are already used. Please log in."), code="invalid", params={"email": value}, )
[dokumentacja] class NewCaseForm(SingleButtonMixin, PartialMixin, GIODOMixin, ModelForm): attachment_cls = Attachment attachment_rel_field = "letter" attachment_file_field = "attachment" action_text = _("Report case") client = forms.ModelChoiceField( queryset=get_user_model().objects.none(), label=_("Client"), required=False, help_text=CLIENT_FIELD_TEXT, widget=autocomplete.ModelSelect2("users:autocomplete"), ) email = forms.EmailField(required=False, label=_("User e-mail")) email_registration = UserEmailField( required=True, help_text=EMAIL_TEXT, label=_("E-mail") ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.user = kwargs.pop("user") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) # TODO refactor form to avoid crispy forms warnings like: # KeyError: "Key 'giodo' not found in 'NewCaseForm'. Choices are: name, text." self.helper.form_tag = False self.helper.form_method = "post" self.fields["name"].help_text = CASE_NAME_TEXT if settings.RICH_TEXT_ENABLED: self.fields["text"].help_text = INFO_ABOUT_MARKDOWN if self._is_super_staff(): self.fields["client"].initial = self.user self.fields["client"].queryset = ( get_user_model().objects.for_user(self.user).all() ) else: del self.fields["client"] self.helper.layout.fields.remove("client") del self.fields["email"] self.helper.layout.fields.remove("email") if not self.user.is_anonymous: # is registered del self.fields["email_registration"] self.helper.layout.fields.remove("email_registration") if not (self.user.is_anonymous or self._is_super_staff()): del self.fields["giodo"] self.helper.layout.fields.remove("giodo") elif self._is_super_staff(): self.fields["giodo"].required = False def _is_super_staff(self): return self.user.has_perm("cases.can_select_client")
[dokumentacja] def clean(self): client_or_email = self.cleaned_data.get("email") or self.cleaned_data.get( "client" ) if self.user.has_perm("cases.can_select_client") and not client_or_email: raise ValidationError(_("Have to enter user email or select a client")) return super().clean()
def get_user(self): if self.user.is_anonymous: return get_user_model().objects.get_by_email_or_create( self.cleaned_data["email_registration"] ) return self.user def get_client(self, user): if self.user.is_anonymous and self.cleaned_data["email_registration"]: return user if not self.user.has_perm("cases.can_select_client"): return self.user elif self.cleaned_data["client"]: return self.cleaned_data["client"] elif self.cleaned_data["email"]: return get_user_model().objects.get_by_email_or_create( self.cleaned_data["email"] ) return self.user def get_case(self, client, user): case = Case(name=self.cleaned_data["name"], created_by=user, client=client) case.save() return case
[dokumentacja] def save(self, commit=True, *args, **kwargs): user = self.get_user() obj = super().save(commit=False, *args, **kwargs) obj.status = obj.STATUS.done obj.genre = obj.GENRE.mail obj.created_by = user obj.created_by_is_staff = user.is_staff obj.client = self.get_client(user) if not obj.case_id: obj.case = self.get_case(client=obj.client, user=user) if commit: obj.save() return obj
class Meta: fields = ["name", "text"] model = Letter
[dokumentacja] class AddLetterForm(HelperMixin, PartialMixin, ModelForm): SEND_STAFF = "send_staff" PROJECT = "project" SEND = "send" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.user = kwargs.pop("user") self.case = kwargs.pop("case") self.user_can_send = self.user.has_perm("cases.can_send_to_client", self.case) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.helper.form_action = reverse( "letters:add", kwargs={"case_pk": self.case.pk} ) self.helper.form_tag = False self._fill_footer() self._add_buttons() self.fields["name"].initial = "Odp: {}".format(self.case) self.fields["html"].widget = TinyMCE(attrs={"cols": 80, "rows": 30}) # if settings.RICH_TEXT_ENABLED: # self.fields["text"].help_text = INFO_ABOUT_MARKDOWN def _add_buttons(self): if self.user_can_send: self.helper.add_input( Submit( name=self.SEND, value=_("Reply to all"), title=REPLY_ALL_TITLE, css_class="btn-primary", ) ) self.helper.add_input( Submit( name=self.PROJECT, value=_("Save to review"), title=SAVE_TO_REVIEW_TITLE, css_class="btn-primary", ) ) self.helper.add_input( SimpleSubmit( name=self.SEND_STAFF, input_type="submit", value=_("Write to staff"), title=REPLY_TO_TEAM_TITLE, css_class="btn-info", ) ) else: if self.user.is_staff: self.helper.add_input( Submit( name=self.PROJECT, value=_("Save to review"), title=SAVE_TO_REVIEW_TITLE, css_class="btn-primary", ) ) self.helper.add_input( Submit( name=self.SEND_STAFF, value=_("Write to staff"), title=REPLY_TO_TEAM_TITLE, css_class="btn-info", ) ) else: self.helper.add_input( Submit(name="send", value=_("Reply"), css_class="btn-primary") ) def _fill_footer(self): if self.user.is_staff and hasattr(self.user, "profile"): footer = self.user.profile.email_footer if footer: footer = footer.replace("\n", "<br>") self.fields["html"].initial = f"<p><br><b>{footer}</b><br></p>" else: self.fields["html"].initial = ( f"<p><br><b>{self.user.get_nicename()}</b><br></p>" ) else: self.fields["html"].initial = ( f"<p><br><b>{self.user.get_nicename()}</b><br></p>" ) def get_status(self): if not self.user.is_staff: return Letter.STATUS.done if not self.user_can_send: return Letter.STATUS.staff if self.SEND_STAFF in self.data or self.PROJECT in self.data: return Letter.STATUS.staff return Letter.STATUS.done def get_genre(self): if not self.user.is_staff: return Letter.GENRE.app_message if self.SEND_STAFF in self.data: return Letter.GENRE.comment return Letter.GENRE.mail
[dokumentacja] def save(self, commit=True, *args, **kwargs): obj = super().save(commit=False, *args, **kwargs) f = HTMLFilter() f.feed(obj.html) obj.text = f.text obj.status = self.get_status() obj.genre = self.get_genre() obj.created_by = self.user obj.created_by_is_staff = self.user.is_staff obj.case = self.case if self.user.is_staff: if self.PROJECT in self.data: self.case.has_project = True elif obj.status == Letter.STATUS.done: self.case.handled = True else: self.case.handled = False if self.case.status == Case.STATUS.closed: self.case.update_status(reopen=True, save=False) self.case.save() logger.info(f"Case {self.case.id} saved by {self.user}") if commit: obj.save() content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Letter) change_dict = { "changed": self.changed_data, "cleaned_data": self.cleaned_data, } LogEntry.objects.log_action( user_id=self.user.id, content_type_id=content_type.id, object_id=obj.id, object_repr=str(obj), action_flag=ADDITION, change_message=f"{change_dict}", ) logger.info(f"Letter {obj.id} saved by {self.user}") obj.save_attachments(self.files.getlist("file_field")) return obj
class Meta: # fields = ["name", "text", "html"] fields = ["name", "html"] model = Letter
[dokumentacja] class SendLetterForm(SingleButtonMixin, PartialMixin, ModelForm): comment = forms.CharField( widget=forms.widgets.Textarea, label=_("Comment for staff"), required=False ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.user = kwargs.pop("user") ins = kwargs["instance"] super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.helper.form_action = ins.get_send_url()
[dokumentacja] def save(self, commit=True, *args, **kwargs): obj = super().save(commit=False, *args, **kwargs) obj.modified_by = self.user obj.status = obj.STATUS.done obj.save() obj.case.handled = True obj.case.has_project = False obj.case.save() obj.send_notification(actor=self.user, verb="send_to_client") if self.cleaned_data["comment"]: msg = Letter.objects.create( case=obj.case, genre=Letter.GENRE.comment, created_by=self.user, created_by_is_staff=self.user.is_staff, text=self.cleaned_data["comment"], status=obj.STATUS.staff, ) msg.send_notification(actor=self.user, verb="drop_a_note") return obj
class Meta: model = Letter fields = []
[dokumentacja] class AttachmentForm(ModelForm): class Meta: fields = ["attachment"] model = Attachment
[dokumentacja] class MultipleFileInput(forms.ClearableFileInput): allow_multiple_selected = True
class MultipleFileField(forms.FileField): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs.setdefault( "widget", MultipleFileInput(), ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def clean(self, data, initial=None): single_file_clean = super().clean if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)): result = [single_file_clean(d, initial) for d in data] else: result = single_file_clean(data, initial) return result
[dokumentacja] class AttachmentsFieldForm(forms.Form): file_field = MultipleFileField( label=_("Attachments (select or drop here)"), required=False ) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[dokumentacja] class LetterForm(SingleButtonMixin, PartialMixin, ModelForm): # eg. edit form def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.user = kwargs.pop("user") super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.helper.form_action = kwargs["instance"].get_edit_url() self.fields["html"].widget = TinyMCE(attrs={"cols": 80, "rows": 30}) self.helper.form_method = "post"
[dokumentacja] def save(self, commit=True, *args, **kwargs): obj = super().save(commit=False, *args, **kwargs) f = HTMLFilter() f.feed(obj.html) obj.text = f.text obj.modified_by = self.user obj.save() logger.info(f"Letter {obj.id} saved by {self.user}") content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(Letter) change_dict = { "changed": self.changed_data, "cleaned_data": self.cleaned_data, } LogEntry.objects.log_action( user_id=self.user.id, content_type_id=content_type.id, object_id=obj.id, object_repr=str(obj), action_flag=CHANGE, change_message=f"{change_dict}", ) return obj
class Meta: fields = ["name", "html"] model = Letter